Sacred Heart of Jesus                                                   Immaculate Heart of Mary                



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Up Coming Events

On Special Days, Please don't go by the calendar above.

Stations of the Cross will be each Friday at 5pm. before the KC's Fish Fry on the 28th,

Father will be gone starting March 23rd, therefore there will be no daily Mass from the 25th through April 4th.  Father Canova will be here on March 29th & 30th for 5:30pm and 9am Masses

Father George Mangalapilly will be hear on April 4th through the 8th and will talk about Jubilee 2025 Lenten Mission "Hope does Not Disappoint" on April 7th and 8th starting at 6pm. He will be here to hear confessions starting at 5:30pm on the 7th and the 8th.

April 9th is "BE RECONCILED DAY      Confessions can be heard from 9am to noon and 3pn to 6pm

April 13th Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week. 

April 17th Holy Thursday Mass will be at 6:30pm. We will gather in the Church Hall 1st prior to entering the church.

Good Friday Service will be at 2:00pm. There will be Stations of the Cross at 6:00pm

April 19th will be the Easter Vigil Mass starting at 7:30pm

April 20th "The Resurrection of the Lord" Mass will be at 9am

April 27th  is The Divine Mercy Sunday. There will be the Divine Mercy Chaplet hour with confessions starting at 2pm










Weekday Masses - Tuesday 6:00pm, Wednesday 8:15 a.m., Thursday 8:15 a.m., Friday 5:30 p.m. 

1st Friday Mass, Adoration & Benediction at 5:30 pm, (every 1st Friday of each month) 

1st Saturday Mass - Adoration and Confessions are at 8:00 am followed by Mass at 8:30 am (every 1st Saturday of the Month)

Weekend Masses:  Saturday Evening at 5:30 p.m.   
Sunday Morning at 9:00 a.m.
Reconciliation - -Tues., Wed, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 30 min before mass or ask Father for a time that will work for you, or call the parish office.

My Parish App

SMARTPHONES... Text APP to 88202 to get a direct download link for My Parish App. Get messages, find prayers & Mass, audio Bible (Gospel of Mark) & faith explanations / counsel.  


  • Sun, Mar 30th

  • Sun, Mar 23rd

  • Sun, Mar 16th

  • Sun, Mar 9th

Office Hours

Location: 13320 Garden Plain Road, Morrison IL 61270

Wednesday - Thursday 9:30 - 2:30